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Final Visible Body 3d Hu Free Iso License


Each anatomic presentation in this atlas includes a thumbnail illustration and numbered captions that serve as an easily readable and accessible guide for viewing the 3D body models. This particular collection has been gathered from the United States National Library of Medicine, with each section detailed in a short paragraph or two. Though it is recommended that medical professionals use the atlas together with other materials such as text books and anatomical medical references, students can also take advantage of these helpful illustrations to understand 3D anatomy. A comprehensive educational resource like this allows students to become immersed in what they are learning by turning their attention towards specific subjects or anatomical zones, such as the colon or fascia. An added bonus of this resource is found in Tab #17, which details the musculoskeletal system’s joints and ligaments. This collection of images has not been reviewed or endorsed by any medical organization or institution. It is solely provided as a digital reference for students, educators, and professionals to use only as a study guide.Title:human body body systems 3d anatomy atlas 2 anatomy model Content:3D Human Anatomy Atlas Pro 1.0 - Human Body Systems Human Anatomy Atlas Pro 1. 0 - Human Body Systems is a multimedia human anatomy atlas which offers an educational platform for all types of learners, from medical students to trainers and even to avid online users. The program is available as a digital download from the website, as well as on CD and DVD. The program was created by a group of professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area who recognized the need for an educational and fun way to study human anatomy — especially that of people. Anatomy Atlas Pro 1.0-Human Body Systems provides students with an interactive 3D Internet application which allows them to use three-dimensional medical images as research tools and learning aids. The program was designed to offer a complete educational resource that not only provides science-based anatomy for students, but also allows them to learn without having to attend a formal class. With the online 3D anatomy atlas, students can make a greater connection to their learning and improve their understanding of the human body. At the same time, instructors can take advantage of this resource as a teaching aid, which aids in keeping up with their medical school curriculum while still having fun during their free time. This collection of images has not been reviewed or endorsed by any medical organization or institution. It is solely provided as a digital reference for students, educators, and professionals to use only as a study guide. This collection of images has not been reviewed or endorsed by any medical organization or institution. It is solely provided as a digital reference for students, educators, and professionals to use only as a study guide.This collection of images has not been reviewed or endorsed by any medical organization or institution. It is solely provided as a digital reference for students, educators, and professionals to use only as a study guide.This collection of images has not been reviewed or endorsed by any medical organization or institution. It is solely provided as a digital reference for students, educators, and professionals to use only as a study guide.This collection of images has not been reviewed or endorsed by any medical organization or institution. cfa1e77820

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